The day was November 9Th, a Friday. I was just getting out of WAMU from depositing my pay check and I had some time to burn before my lunch was over, so I walked over to the Orem mall. There I was walking the mall and I walked over to the Jewelry store to check out prices for my then girlfriends Christmas present. I was already shopping for a weeding ring to propose with but do to low funds ( this is the outcome of working at a low paying job... and being Mexican) I was not able to find the right one, and the one that I did find was the size of a grain of sand... or salt.... or mustard seed. Small, and expensive diamond. So I just happened to ask how much the weeding rings were and the guy shows me one that was half off. As he shows me the ring I'm thinking that it's going to be like the size of a small crumb of bread but oh was I wrong..... OK well it wasn't huge but it was an OK size....... =I.... THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!! ahahahahaha. ahem. Sorry couldn't help my self.
So for the prize of the rock that I was looking at before I could buy this one and still have enough to buy a build-a-bear (Ill explain latter). So I get anxious and I buy it. I had shivers and clammy hands but I had the ring. Now it had not register in my head until now. I was about to pop the question. So I call the restaurant I had made the reservation with for December when I was originally going to ask her and I push it up to the 13Th of this month, it was that Tuesday! So all the things I had plan on doing in a month, I had to do in a week end.
Saturday November 10Th, 2007:
So I'm sitting at work and and my lunch is about to happen, I had a coupon for Build-a-Bear. I went there for my lunch. Now the plan was to have the bear ask the question for me, oh yeah I am that slick. I picked out an outfit, jeans, chucks, collar shirt with a vest. Stylish just like me. I got a voice box for it and I recorded the message... "I love you BooBoo, will you marry me?".
Sunday November 11Th, 2007:
I'm old fashion and so is my wife, and if I didn't talk to her brother who in this case is like her father she would have been a bit angry.... OK maybe not angry but disappointed. So I got to have a one on one with Brian, and there I am balling my eyes out, telling him why I love his baby sister whom he loves so much, and he just let's me know that he is happy for us and he would Love to have me as a brother. Big chip off my shoulder.
Lets skip Monday because nothing happened that day.
Tuesday November 13Th, 2007:
The big day, man time almost stood still at work. This day Dragged, I was just so ready to get over with that time was not moving at all. The day was cloudy and a bit cold. Now I prayed, literally for it not to rain. (keep reading)
I pick her up at school, and we head off to Sandy, I drive up to this restaurant called La Caille. Now if you ever been to this place it is amazing! I recommend it to anyone who is willing to spend an arm and a leg. She was breathless, and so was I. As we wait for our waitress to be with us my wife is so nervous that she spills watter all over the table, so they move us to an even better table. We order our food, she gets the Sirloin and I got the Filet Mignon. This plate was the size of almost 2 scoops of ice cream, not big at all. But man It was the best damn peace of meat I have ever had. After the dreamy dinner we head over to Temple Square, and on we go to the final stages of my plan. Horse carriage, Teddy bear, and ring. All things accounted for. We get on and by this time she is tearing up but no crying, and her hands were clammy. She knew it was coming, so we take the romantic ride, and right before I give her the bear the horse takes a dump, it smelled so bad but it was now or never.... with the smell of horse poo still burning in the nostrils, I hand her the bear, she presses the hand and as she is listening to it I have the ring out with a huge grin. "So, will you?" I say, (keep in mind that I have never seen my wife cry to that point, and as a guy you expect the girl to ball her guts put, but no she just has a huge smile).... jumping up and down, big smile she said YES!.
Tha's is how I asked her.... hope you enjoyed.